As per your request here are all the multiplication and division games together for easier access. Each link will take you to the post for each game where you can find the instructions and the free print and digital version. For some games the post might include the addition/subtraction version of the game. In that case scroll down to the multiplication one. Happy playing and happy learning!
Multi-Trap – multiplication facts, multiples, factors

Multi-Digit Multiplication Games- Print and digital

“TASKS” game – Multiplication, division facts

Nombe-man! Factors, multiples, division,multiplication

Station Prime – A Prime Factorization Game

Halloween Games – Multiplication/Division facts

Missing Numbers on the Multiplication table-Web Game

Holidays Scavenger Hunt-Game Challenge Multiples, prime numbers, square numbers

Holidays Scavenger Hunt Game Multiplication facts

Division Facts- Mini-Games (Print and google slides version)

Block it! Google slides version.

Block it! – A fun way to practice multiplication facts, Now print and digital.

Multiplication Facts mini-games (+google slides version)

Multihive – Practice Multiples

Print to play-Array Battle

Free print to play-Array Maze (now virtual)

Around the World (+ google slides version)

Escape Rooms (+google slides version)

Maze Escape- A single player game

Activity cards
Below you will find some of our most popular print and digital activity cards (free versions included)
Multiplication Mission – arrays, properties, multiples, factors, division

Diving into Division -Teaching division conceptually

Divisibility Rules – Print and digital Activity cards

Multiplication Facts Activity-cards (Google slides version included)

Missing Numbers and Twisted Multiplication Tables activity cards (+google slides)

Multiplication (Building Arrays with Bricks)

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