Multiplication facts fluency is very important as it is the base for many concepts like multi-digit multiplication, equivalent fractions, division, and, much more. Multiplication facts practice deserves time and effort. Rushing into drills that promote meaningless memorization with endless repetition will not help in the long run. Allow students to take their time and practice solving interesting problems until they start memorizing without even realizing it. A great way to do that is by learning mental strategies, building arrays with manipulatives, “playing” with the multiplication table to find patterns and relations, and having meaningful math talks.
I am always trying to create fun and engaging activities to encourage students to practice multiplication and gain fluency with the multiplication and division facts especially with the new reality of distance learning. I love visual activities that are part of a story, puzzles and, escape rooms.
Today I would like to share with you my latest multiplication resource. A multiplication adventure in the form of google slides with the beloved Binions that my students are crazy about. The students will be taking on a mission to save the little Binions from the Evil professor. This resource is in the form of a story with multiple tasks that the students need to complete in order to succeed in their mission. It is a great resource for virtual and face to face learning. The slides help initiate meaningful discussions about strategies and different ways of solving multiplication problems.

The resource contains 164 slides organized based on the level of difficulty, starting from multiplication as repeated addition and moving on to multiplication properties, multiples and factors. The questions provide visual help and manipulatives for conceptual understanding and deep learning. Low floor and high ceiling activities for all students.

You can arrange the activities based on your students’ needs. Provide support for your low floor students and challenge your high ceiling ones.
Activities and skills covered
- Building arrays for given multiplication expressions. (understand multiplication as repeated addition)
- Solving multiplication problems using arrays. (visualize and understand)
- Learning how to use the multiplication table.
- Solving multiplication problems using the multiplication table. Find patterns, relations, and stepping stones to help with fluency.
- Learning about square numbers.
- Building square numbers with arrays.
- Finding square numbers on the multiplication table. (Square numbers are often the first ones memorized and can be used as stepping stones for other facts)
- Learning the multiplication properties.
- Selecting the correct expression for given arrays.
- Building arrays for numbers/representing numbers with arrays. (introducing factors and multiples)
- Puzzles on the multiplication table
- Finding the second factor in an equation (division)
- Finding the factors of numbers.
- Finding the multiples of numbers 3-12 (mazes)
Below is a sample video of the resource.
As always here is a free version of the resource for you.
The premium version includes 164 slides/activities. Get the premium version here.
My students got very excited with the Binions’ adventures and made up their own stories which gave an unexpected opportunity for creative writing.
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