Multiplication Mission – arrays, properties, multiples, factors, division

Multiplication facts fluency is very important as it is the base for many concepts like multi-digit multiplication, equivalent fractions, division, and, much more. Multiplication facts practice deserves time and effort. Rushing into drills that promote meaningless memorization with endless repetition will not help in the long run. Allow students to …

Diving into Division -Teaching division conceptually

A strong conceptual understanding of division will help build studentsā€™ confidence and a strong foundation to base multi-digit division and division of decimals and fractions. The first step is to make sure that students understand what is division. Ask your students to explain what is division and find out what is …

Introducing Fractions Multiplayer games – print and Digital

In today’s post, I would like to share some simple games for the introduction level of fractions. The game boards have simple visuals to help students recognize different fractions, and match equivalent ones. We have shared some games with visuals to practice completing one and matching equivalent fractions before, however, …

Halloween Activities-Addition/Subtraction, 2-digit numbers

Today’s resource is a fun Halloween-themed one! The students are asked to select the correct candy for the trick or treaters after solving a problem. This collection of digital activity cards allows students to practice addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers with regrouping and without. The slides offer visual help …

Missing Numbers and Twisted Multiplication Tables activity cards (+google slides)

Many interesting and fun activities can be done on the multiplication table for the students to discover patterns, find relations and make connections. This will help them gain fluency and automaticity with the multiplication and division facts. Filling in the missing numbers on the multiplication table is one of my …

Multiplication and its properties (Building Arrays with Bricks) Print and Digital

Grades 2,3,4 Arrays are a great way to introduce multiplication in grade 2 and 3. Playing with arrays will help students model multiplication as repeated addition and understand the properties of multiplication. It is very important that we help students visualize and understand multiplication early on so that we build …

“Decimal Number Builder” Build decimal numbers with base 10 blocks (digital activity)

Understanding place value is essential for developing a solid foundation of mathematical understanding. The Base 10 blocks are a great manipulative for visualizing and understanding place value for whole numbers and for decimal numbers. We have already created two free digital activities/tools to practice modeling whole numbers with base 10 …

Representing Decimal Numbers using base 10 blocks. (Printable and Digital Activity Cards)

Understanding place value is essential for developing a solid foundation of mathematical understanding. The Base 10 blocks are a great manipulative for visualizing and understanding place value for whole numbers and for decimal numbers. When introducing Decimals I always start with decimal fractions and how they can be represented with …

Virtual Manipulatives – Fractions Grades 3, 4

I have started collecting virtual manipulatives for my Grades 3,4 and I have created a few slides for each concept. For fractions I like the simulations and games from PhET. About PhET PhET provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations. We extensively test and evaluate each simulation to …

Area Models and Multiplication – Virtual Manipulatives and games

I have started collecting some virtual manipulatives for different concepts for my grade 3/4s and I have created a few slides with my favorite ones so far. For Area models and multiplication, I like the simulations and games from PhET. About PhET PhET provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and …