Halloween Activities -Multiplication Properties, arrays, facts

Arrays are a great way to introduce multiplication in grade 1, 2 and 3. Playing with arrays will help students model multiplication as repeated addition and understand the properties of multiplication. It is very important that we help students visualize and understand multiplication early on so that we build a …

Multiplication and its properties (Building Arrays with Bricks) Print and Digital

Grades 2,3,4 Arrays are a great way to introduce multiplication in grade 2 and 3. Playing with arrays will help students model multiplication as repeated addition and understand the properties of multiplication. It is very important that we help students visualize and understand multiplication early on so that we build …

The Great Escape! Multiplication, division, prime numbers (print, Google slides)

With “The Great Escape” the players can practice multiplication facts, recognizing square numbers, and prime numbers. Four levels available. It is a great way to initiate conversations and explain about square numbers, and prime numbers if the students are not familiar with them already. The game is recommended for ages …