Block it! Google slides version.

Block it! is one of our most popular print to play and digital games. The coded, digital game is great for two players/groups but doesn’t allow more than that. As per your request, I have created a version of block it! for google slides for a single player and more …

“Decimal Number Builder” Build decimal numbers with base 10 blocks (digital activity)

Understanding place value is essential for developing a solid foundation of mathematical understanding. The Base 10 blocks are a great manipulative for visualizing and understanding place value for whole numbers and for decimal numbers. We have already created two free digital activities/tools to practice modeling whole numbers with base 10 …

Representing Decimal Numbers using base 10 blocks. (Printable and Digital Activity Cards)

Understanding place value is essential for developing a solid foundation of mathematical understanding. The Base 10 blocks are a great manipulative for visualizing and understanding place value for whole numbers and for decimal numbers. When introducing Decimals I always start with decimal fractions and how they can be represented with …

Multiplication Facts Activities

As we all know multiplication facts fluency is very important as it is the base for many concepts like multi-digit multiplication, equivalent fractions, division, and, much more. Therefore, multiplication facts practice deserves time and effort. Rushing into drills that promote meaningless memorization with endless repetition will not help in the …

“Number Builder” ( 6-digit digital activity/tool with base 10 blocks)

“Number Builder” is a digital activity/tool that works with base ten blocks. We all know how important it is for students to practice representing numbers with base ten blocks to gain a deep understanding of place value and regrouping. In my search for the perfect digital activities/games that use 10 …

Decomposing numbers 11-20 using 10 Frames and Base 10 blocks, Addition/Subtraction

Grades K,1,2 Decomposing numbers 11-20 with Ten Frames and Base 10 Blocks helps students deepen their understanding and find relations and strategies that improve their mental math skills. We have created some printable and digital cards to practice decomposing numbers 11-20. Here are some samples. Printable Task-Cards Digital (google slides) …

Representing numbers using Base 10 Blocks (up to 6 digits) Printable task-cards and interactive slides.

We all know how important it is for students to practice representing numbers using Base 10 blocks. Base Ten Blocks provide hands-on ways to learn place value. They help students physically represent numbers so they can develop a deeper understanding of place value and regrouping and trading. Students should be …

“Number Builder 4D” (A digital activity/tool with base 10 blocks)

“Number builder 4D” is a digital activity/tool that works with base ten blocks. We all know how important it is for students to practice building numbers with base ten blocks to gain a deep understanding of place value and regrouping. In my search for the perfect digital activities/games that use …

Round it! Rounding games (+ google slides version)

Many of you have been asking for ideas for rounding games so today I will share some of the games I use with my students to practice rounding. Game 1 – Round it! The first two little games are quite simple and they are good for starting to practice rounding …

Virtual Manipulatives – Fractions Grades 3, 4

I have started collecting virtual manipulatives for my Grades 3,4 and I have created a few slides for each concept. For fractions I like the simulations and games from PhET. About PhET PhET provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations. We extensively test and evaluate each simulation to …