Print to Play Games

Racing Wheels

Ages 6 and up Racing Wheels is a multiplayer, competitive card game that students can play to practice: addition to 20, mental math skip count by 2, 3 and 5 Less than and greater than Playing Racing Wheels helps children (and adults) improve their mental math skills, sharpen their observing …

Rush Race 2

Ages 8 and up Rush Race 2 is a game to practice divisibility, factors, recognizing prime numbers, and square numbers. In this game, the players have to move through the race route using the dice and the cards. Check out Rush Race 1 for younger children to practice addition to …

Rush Race 1

Ages 4 and up This is a simple game to practice addition, and recognizing numbers to 100. All you need is the print-out of the race route, two dice, and position markers. (small objects to mark your place) At your turn: Roll the dice and move according to the roll. …

The Great Escape! Multiplication, division, prime numbers (print, Google slides)

With “The Great Escape” the players can practice multiplication facts, recognizing square numbers, and prime numbers. Four levels available. It is a great way to initiate conversations and explain about square numbers, and prime numbers if the students are not familiar with them already. The game is recommended for ages …