Print to Play Games

Introducing Fractions Multiplayer games – print and Digital

In today’s post, I would like to share some simple games for the introduction level of fractions. The game boards have simple visuals to help students recognize different fractions, and match equivalent ones. We have shared some games with visuals to practice completing one and matching equivalent fractions before, however, …

Holiday Scavenger Hunt Games – Addition/Subtraction/Place Value 1-100

This is a holiday-themed scavenger hunt game to practice some basic skills. This game can be played in two ways and of course, you can adjust the rules and make the game more or less challenging. The game is available in print and google slides version. Game 1: Practice addition …

Addition to 20 Scavenger Hunt game- Holiday Edition

This is a winter holiday-themed game for students to practice addition to 20. The game is played on the transformed addition table which makes it easier for the students to find the answers if they need to. A low floor high ceiling game for all students to enjoy. We hope …

Holidays Scavenger Hunt-Game Challenge Multiples, prime numbers, square numbers

This game is similar to the previously shared Holidays Scavenger Hunt-Game Multiplication facts, however, is a bit more challenging as the game board is the 100 chart and not the multiplication table. This game uses a spinner instead of dice and encourages the players to practice the multiples of the …

Holidays Scavenger Hunt Game Multiplication facts

The purpose of this game is to encourage students to practice the multiplication facts and find patterns and relations on the table that will help them gain fluency and automaticity with the multiplication facts. This is a Holiday-themed multiplayer game that you can play with your students near the holidays …

Division Facts- Mini-Games (Print and google slides version)

These mini-games offer a fun way for students to practice the division facts up to 12. Similar to the Multiplication facts mini games they allow the students to practice one table at a time. 10 mini-game boards are included. Print Version Material One 6 face dice Color pencils, a different …

Ghost Chase – Addition, subtraction to 20 (+google slides version)

This Ghostly game aims to help students practice addition and subtraction to 20. The print version uses dice and the digital version uses a spinner. The goal of the game is to catch the other players (ghosts) by landing on the same spot. It’s a “last man standing” game. The …

Halloween games Addition/Subtraction Numbers 1-100

This Halloween activity is for students to practice addition, subtraction, and numbers 1-100. The game board is the table 1-100 and the students move around on the board using dice in the print version and a spinner in the google slides version. There is a multiplication/division version of this game …

Halloween Games – Multiplication/Division facts

Playing games on the multiplication table or the 100 chart is a great way to practice multiplication and division facts and more without the stress of memorization. It helps students find patterns and relations and learn how to use known facts as stepping stones. Even though we have shared a …

Block it! Google slides version.

Block it! is one of our most popular print to play and digital games. The coded, digital game is great for two players/groups but doesn’t allow more than that. As per your request, I have created a version of block it! for google slides for a single player and more …