Expressions with arrays

One of my favorite activities to do in class is to give students task cards with different arrangements and ask them how they see/count the objects. This activity offers a great opportunity for discussions. I later ask the students to write the equations or just the expressions for the arrangements, …

Equivalence (addition and subtraction) – Printable and Digital Activity Cards

Grades 1-3 Scales are a great hands-on tool for comparing numbers and learning about equivalence and it is a lot of fun for students to use. These printable and digital activity cards aim to help practice equivalence and addition/subtraction using the concept of the scale. The students can use a …

Decimals, Decimal fractions, Percentages – print and digital

Decimal numbers is often a challenging concept for students. When teaching decimal numbers, I first review the basics of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones and then introduce tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. I always start with decimal fractions and how they translate into decimal numbers. Make sure that your students understand that decimal …

Polygons’ Properties cards game, board game, bingo cards

Here are some fun ways to practice the polygons’ properties. Polygon Party Polygon Party is a fun card game that students can play to practice the polygons’ properties. It gives teachers and parents an opportunity for having discussions, clearing misconceptions, and doing an informal assessment on polygons. Basic and challenge …

The Great Escape! Multiplication, division, prime numbers (print, Google slides)

With “The Great Escape” the players can practice multiplication facts, recognizing square numbers, and prime numbers. Four levels available. It is a great way to initiate conversations and explain about square numbers, and prime numbers if the students are not familiar with them already. The game is recommended for ages …

Prime Factorization

Prime Factorization is the method of finding which set of prime numbers multiply together to make a number. In a previous post, we talked about factorization, which is a method of finding the factors of a number but not necessarily the prime factors. What is different with prime factorization is that we …

Fractions Card Games

We all know that in order to be able to solve equivalent fractions problems students should understand multiplication and division well and know their multiplication and division facts. However, my experience has shown me that children are successful in understanding these concepts when they have a lot of practice with …