This game aims to help students practice addition facts and apply strategic thinking. The goal of the game is to be the first player to escape. The game is available in 3 options. Print version, multiplayer google slides version, and 2-player digital (coded) version.
(For practicing multiplication facts and more check out “Great Escape” multiplication and division also available 3 different options, print, google slides, and 2-player digital.)
Print version
- Print-out table (see attached files)
- 2 dice, face 6 if practicing addition to 12, face 10 if practicing addition to 20. Learn how to build your own dice here. You can use playing cards as well, make a deck with the numbers 1-10 and draw two at a time.
- color pencils (one for each player)
The players roll one dice to start. They start from the number they rolled that is on the outer grey area of the table. (horizontal or vertical)

At their next turn, they roll 2 dice and add up the numbers with the help of the table. They use their color pencil to color the tile with their sum. Since the numbers on the table repeat they can choose to color any same number. For example, if a player rolls 2 and 5, they can color any 7 on the table.
The players try to color connected tiles (on the side or corner) to make a path to escape. The path needs to end at the opposite side of the table.

The players don’t have to color a connected tile every time. However, their escape path has to be connected to win. They can color tiles to block the opponents’ path but cannot color over an already colored tile. If a player’s path is blocked by an opponent and they have nowhere to move to, they can start over from the outer sides, and they can still use their previously colored tiles for their path.
Google slides Version
Get the free google slides version here
Digital Version
You can now play “The Great Escape digitally. Try the2 player digital version.

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