Multiplication Facts mini-games (+google slides version)

Grades 3 and up Players 1-4 Multiplication facts, multiples, factors, division More games for practicing multiplication facts? Why not? More fun games more students engaged and learning. These simple games can be played as multiplayer games or single-player games. The players practice one table at a time by trying to …

Multihive – Practice Multiples

Grades 3 and up. 1-4 Players Multihive can be played as a single-player or a multiplayer game and it encourages students to practice multiplication facts by finding the multiples of the numbers 2-10. The players practice multiples and factors, improve their mental math, and gain automaticity with the multiplication facts. …

Fractions Activity Cards – equivalence, compare, complete one, addition (print and digital)

Gaining a conceptual understanding of fractions early on with visual models is critical. To avoid students memorizing rules like “ magic tricks” to come up with the answers and then forgetting or misremembering them it is important to help them understand where these rules come from. Teachers provide visual models …

Equivalence (addition and subtraction) – Printable and Digital Activity Cards

Grades 1-3 Scales are a great hands-on tool for comparing numbers and learning about equivalence and it is a lot of fun for students to use. These printable and digital activity cards aim to help practice equivalence and addition/subtraction using the concept of the scale. The students can use a …

Around the World (+ google slides version)

Two levels Grades 1-3 and 3 and up “Around the World” is a fun game to encourage number discussions and practice many skills. The game can be played on two levels. Level 1 is for younger students to practice addition and subtraction and recognizing numbers 1-100 and level 2 is …

Polygons’ Properties cards game, board game, bingo cards

Here are some fun ways to practice the polygons’ properties. Polygon Party Polygon Party is a fun card game that students can play to practice the polygons’ properties. It gives teachers and parents an opportunity for having discussions, clearing misconceptions, and doing an informal assessment on polygons. Basic and challenge …

Fraction Four (equivalent Fractions)+google slides version

Fraction Four (equivalent fractions) is a fun simple game to practice equivalent fractions with visual help. The players roll dice or spin a spinner to get a fraction. Then they find an equivalent of their fraction on the board. The first player to make four in a row wins. The …

Fraction Escape game -complete one whole, equivalent fractions (+google slides version)

Fraction Escape (make one) can be played as a single-player or multiplayer game. It helps the players add fractions to one with visual help. A low-floor high-ceiling game that can be played by all players. Some students will start with simple fractions and some will move on to the more …

Fractions Escape (equivalent fractions)

Fractions Escape (equivalent fractions) can be played as a single-player or multiplayer game. It helps the players identify and practice equivalent fractions with visual help. A low-floor high ceiling game that can be played by all students. Some students will start with simple fractions and some will move on to …