This is a holiday-themed scavenger hunt game to practice some basic skills. This game can be played in two ways and of course, you can adjust the rules and make the game more or less challenging. The game is available in print and google slides version.
Game 1: Practice addition and subtraction through 1-100
Game 2:Practice place value by forming 2-digit numbers.
Print versions
- Game board/table
- Scavenger cards
- one face 10 dice (for game1)
- a deck of cards 0-10 (UNO cards or playing cards, assign 0 to one of the cards)
- Place markers (for game 1)
- pencils or markers (if you laminate the cards)

How to play
Game 1: Practice addition and subtraction through 1-100
The transformed 1-100 chart is the game board. The players start from number 1. They take turns rolling the dice. They move back or forth according to the dice roll number. (Add or subtract). The number they land on hides a picture. They mark that picture on their scavenger card.

The first player to mark all the pictures on their card is the winner. The players can choose whether to move back or forth, add or subtract depending on which picture they need to mark.
Game 2: Practice place value by forming 2-digit numbers.
The players pick two cards and they use one for the tens’ place and one for the ones’ place. They form a number. If they use the number 10 for tens, their tens form a 100. For example, 10 for tens and 6 for ones becomes 106. If their number is more than 100, they start over, for example, if they form 106, they get the picture of number 6. If they use the number 10 for ones then the ones become a ten and the ones 0. (regrouping) 5 for tens and 10 for ones becomes 60.
Once they form a number they find it on the table. The rest of the steps are the same as game 1.
Here is the print version to download and the google slides version. The google slides version uses a spinner instead of dice or cards.
More versions of the game
Holidays Scavenger Hunt-Game Challenge Multiples, Prime Numbers, Square Numbers
Holidays Scavenger Hunt Game Multiplication facts and
Addition to 20 Scavenger Hunt game- Holiday Edition available as well.
I hope that you find the games useful.
Check out our digital holiday activity cards.
Winter Holidays Digital Activity cards – grades 3/4/5 100+ task cards

Winter Holidays Digital Activity cards grades 1, 2, 3 (76 task cards)

Winter Holidays – Digital Division Activity cards