Equations and Inequalities – Balance the scales

Combining letters with numbers and mathematical operations is new and exciting for students starting with basic operations. I find that many students see these equations as puzzles and love to solve them. As the equations get more complicated, however, including fractions, exponents, and more, many students start getting frustrated. Algebra …

Decimal Operations Games/worksheets

I am proud to say that we have completed our fractions operations review and we are already diving into reviewing decimal operations. Many of my students needed to be reminded of the concept visually and conceptually. We used activity cards to build/represent decimal numbers, visually understand decimals and connect them …

Simplifying Fractions – Equivalent Fractions Game

Today I would like to share with you a little game to practice simplifying fractions and finding equivalent ones. Once the students understand the concept with visual models they can use the algorithm to simplify and find equivalent using division or multiplication. To be successful in simplifying fractions the students …

Fractions/Mixed numbers Operations Games

“Fractions Operations! What a fun concept to teach.” said no teacher ever. Just kidding! I love teaching fractions operations. Once the students understand fractions conceptually and are fluent in the skills below fractions operations truly are a breeze. First things first, before starting with fractions operations the students should have …

Long Division Games (print and Digital)

Since the multi-digit addition and subtraction and Multi-Digit Multiplication games were a great success in my classroom and from what I heard in yours as well, I have decided to create a few for long division as well. The idea of these games is to motivate the students to practice …

Multiplying fractions/mixed numbers/simplifying

Fractions operations are usually a challenging concept for students to grasp. The multiplication of fractions seems to be “easier” than adding and subtracting fractions since the algorithm is more straightforward in the sense that we do not need to find the LCM and turn the fractions into like ones. However, …

Nomber Man – Digital Math Game – Factors, Multiples

Today I would like to share a new fun digital game to practice factors, multiples, division, and multiplication facts. This game is called “Nomber Man” and is a puzzle/maze game. The players need to create a path through the maze while avoiding the traps. The difficulty level increases as you …

Halloween games, puzzles, and other activities

For your convenience here are all our Halloween games and activities together to explore. Halloween games Addition/Subtraction Numbers 1-100 Halloween Games – Multiplication/Division facts Halloween Puzzles and Math Talks Halloween Games-Memory Match-Arrays Halloween Activities -Multiplication Properties, Arrays, Facts Halloween Activities-Addition/Subtraction, 2-digit numbers Halloween Digital Activities- Forming numbers, Quantities, Number Sense …

Number Sense to 100 and beyond, comparing, ordering, building numbers.

Students need a variety of activities to learn and experience numbers. Learning to count, identifying numbers, and understanding quantity are just the beginning. They need to be able to compare, and order numbers, skip count, find patterns, represent numbers, and more. Here are some ideas of games/activities that you can …