Task Cards

Practicing Division facts with Number Bars/tape diagrams

Have you used number bars/tape diagrams (similar to equation strips) to show division and practice visual factoring? I am always looking for visual ideas and this one seemed right. I tried this with my students and it was a great success. I used cards like the ones below for different …

Multi-Digit Multiplication, Area model, Partial Products algorithm, Puzzles, Word problems

Multi-digit multiplication is considered one of the most “challenging” concepts to teach students. The reason for this view is, in my opinion, the fact that understanding multi-digit multiplication requires students to have gained a deep understanding of place value, and the multiplication properties. As the digits increase the process of …

Place Value – Representing and adding 2/3 digit numbers with manipulatives

Base ten blocks, bead strings, 100 grids, place value discs, and more manipulatives provide hands-on ways to learn place value, number concepts, operations, measurement, and much more. Students use these manipulatives to physically represent numbers so they can develop a deeper understanding. Building number combinations with manipulatives help students understand …

Multiplication Mission – arrays, properties, multiples, factors, division

Multiplication facts fluency is very important as it is the base for many concepts like multi-digit multiplication, equivalent fractions, division, and, much more. Multiplication facts practice deserves time and effort. Rushing into drills that promote meaningless memorization with endless repetition will not help in the long run. Allow students to …

Fractions Games and activities – Equivalence, make 1, compare, add, subtract, like, unlike

As per your request here are all the fraction games by Mathcurious. Most of the games are free and come with a google slides version as well. The task cards come with a free version. Introducing Fractions Multiplayer games – print and Digital (board games, memory game, and bingo cards) …

Addition and subtraction with 100 grids and 100 chart

Grades 1-3 Using 100 grids to solve addition and subtraction problems is a great way for students to understand place value and regrouping. Placing/coloring tens and ones on a 100 (or more) grid helps them represent the first number and then add or subtract the second. They can see how …

Math Puzzles

By transforming any math activity into a “puzzle” you can instantly engage students and make a lesson so much more exciting. I often use puzzles to initiate number talks and to challenge my students. I love the Aha! moments they have once they solve a problem/puzzle. Why do students enjoy …

Diving into Division -Teaching division conceptually

A strong conceptual understanding of division will help build students’ confidence and a strong foundation to base multi-digit division and division of decimals and fractions. The first step is to make sure that students understand what is division. Ask your students to explain what is division and find out what is …

Winter Holidays-Christmas activities/games

Below you will find all of the winter holidays/Christmas activities Mathcurious has to offer this year. Print and digital activity cards, math games and 2 digital “build and decorate a gingerbread creation” activities. Winter Holidays Digital Activity cards grades 1/2 Winter Holidays Digital Activity cards – grades 3/4 and 4,5,6 …

Winter Holidays – Digital Division Activity cards

Since we will be working on division the last few days before the winter holidays I have prepared some holiday-themed division activity cards. The activities include problems of partitive and quotative division with and without remainder and some word problems. The idea is to move the objects or move shapes …