Winter Holidays-Christmas activities/games

Below you will find all of the winter holidays/Christmas activities Mathcurious has to offer this year. Print and digital activity cards, math games and 2 digital “build and decorate a gingerbread creation” activities. Winter Holidays Digital Activity cards grades 1/2 Winter Holidays Digital Activity cards – grades 3/4 and 4,5,6 …

Winter Holidays – Digital Division Activity cards

Since we will be working on division the last few days before the winter holidays I have prepared some holiday-themed division activity cards. The activities include problems of partitive and quotative division with and without remainder and some word problems. The idea is to move the objects or move shapes …

Winter Holidays print and digital Activity cards grades 1,2,3

Winter Holidays are coming near. Here are some winter holiday-themed activities for grades 1,2, 3. The activities are in google slides and they include practice and review activities as well as puzzles, riddles, word problems, and more. How to use the activity cards The activity cards can be used for …

Winter Holidays print and digital Activity cards – grades 3,4 and 4,5,6

Winter Holidays are coming near. Here are some winter holiday-themed activities for grades 3,4 and 4,5,6. The activities are in print form and in google slides and they include practice and review activities as well as puzzles, riddles, word problems, and more. Find the grades 1,2,3 activities here How to use …

Build a Virtual Gingerbread House, train,tree,…

This is an activity that was created during covid times when we were teaching online. The students always enjoy building and decorating gingerbread houses and this might still be a fun activity. Build a gingerbread house, train, or person using blocks and shapes on google slides and then decorate it. …

Decorate a Gingerbread House, train, tree, …

Not a math activity exactly but something fun to do near the holidays. This was created during covid times when we needed more virtual activities. The students always enjoy building and decorating gingerbread houses. Brainstorming ideas with my youngest son led to the creation of this activity. We have created …

Introducing Fractions Multiplayer games – print and Digital

In today’s post, I would like to share some simple games for the introduction level of fractions. The game boards have simple visuals to help students recognize different fractions, and match equivalent ones. We have shared some games with visuals to practice completing one and matching equivalent fractions before, however, …

Introducing Fractions- misconceptions, print, and digital activity cards.

Both educators and parents agree that fractions and their operations are one of the most difficult concepts for students to grasp. What makes fractions so challenging for students? The introduction of the concept of fractions comes with a new vocabulary, new rules, new symbols, and a new concept of values between zero …

Holiday Scavenger Hunt Games – Addition/Subtraction/Place Value 1-100

This is a holiday-themed scavenger hunt game to practice some basic skills. This game can be played in two ways and of course, you can adjust the rules and make the game more or less challenging. The game is available in print and google slides version. Game 1: Practice addition …

Addition to 20 Scavenger Hunt game- Holiday Edition

This is a winter holiday-themed game for students to practice addition to 20. The game is played on the transformed addition table which makes it easier for the students to find the answers if they need to. A low floor high ceiling game for all students to enjoy. We hope …