Grades 3 and up.
1-4 Players
Multihive can be played as a single-player or a multiplayer game and it encourages students to practice multiplication facts by finding the multiples of the numbers 2-10. The players practice multiples and factors, improve their mental math, and gain automaticity with the multiplication facts. You can never have too many games for practicing multiplication facts. A bigger variety of games, means more engaged students. This one is a bit different and more challenging than Block it! and The Great Escape.
- Print out game board
- A 10 sided dice. Learn how to build your own here.
- Color pencils (different color for each player.)
Goal: Get the most points by creating the correct shapes/arrangements in the Multihive.
How to play:
The players take turns rolling the dice. At their turn, they roll the dice and color a multiple of the number they got. If they get the lucky number 1 they can color any tile, (except the ones already colored) since number one is a factor for all numbers. The colored tiles of a player must form one of the shapes below to earn points. Part of the strategy is that the players can color tiles to stop the opponents from completing their shape.

Closed flower = 7 points

Open flower = 6 points

Spaceship = 4 points

The bone 5 = points

The trophy 6 = points

The arrow 6 = points
The game continues until there are no more tiles combinations to color.
The winner is the player with the most points. Only completed shapes (above) earn points.
Provide a multiplication table for the players to verify their moves and get the help they need so that the game will be fun for low floor and high ceiling students. Our games aim to encourage a fun practice that leads to automaticity through patterns and relations.
Single Player:
Players challenge themselves to see how many of the required shapes they can create by rolling the dice 20, 30 or more times.
You can decide to use your own shapes/arrangements for the game and name them as you like. We liked these ones. Make sure that you color them on a sample board for everyone to refer to.
You can use the board games as an activity and ask the students to find multiples of a specific number 2-10
Here are two game boards for you to choose. The first one has less and bigger tiles and the second has more smaller tiles. Use the second if you are playing for more than 2 players. There is also a board with samples of the shapes/arrangements to make.
We hope you like the game.