Author: Cindy Neuschwander
Illustrator: Wayne Geehan

Synopsis by the author/publisher
When Steward Edmund Rounds and Sir Cumference notice that there are strangers camped nearby, Rounds II decides to investigate despite being involved with the task of learning how to make accurate counts of the castle’s stores of food, supplies, and weaponry. When he reports back that an enemy is lying in wait, everyone moves quickly to defend the castle. But wait! Will Rounds II be able to figure out how many bows and arrows they have to create an appropriate battle plan? Using rounding techniques to figure out the totals more quickly, Rounds II is just in time to help stave off a potentially disastrous attack.
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Author: Lynda Brennan
Illustrator: Christina Cancel

Synopsis by the author/publisher
At first glance, this story about Lily and her friends seems to focus primarily on the concept of rounding numbers, a standard identified in the Number and Base Ten standards found in grades 3, 4 and 5. However, rather than looking at rounding as an isolated skill, Math MileMarkers uses this opportunity to encourage teachers and children to explore the number line in places they may never have been before. Don’t underestimate this simple story, its message reaches far beyond Lily’s trip to grandma’s and another happy ending.
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Author: Stuart J. Murphy
Illustrator: Steve Björkman

Synopsis by the author/publisher
Clever Coyote thinks it’s time for lunch –– and also time to show her friends how, with some simple rounding, she can add up numbers in her head. If only she were as good at hunting as she is at math!
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