“Race to Rule” helps players practice multiplication, divisibility, factors, recognizing prime numbers, and square numbers. The players have to move through the path using a dice and the cards.
Grades 3 and up

Goal: Be the first player to reach to a hundred.
- Game board print out
- Cards print out
- 1 dice
- A small object for each player to use as place marker
Set up:
Shuffle the cards and keep the deck face down.
The youngest player goes first.
At their turn, the players roll a dice. The roll tells them how many steps they can take. ( moving capacity) Then they pick a card. The card tells them which number they can land on. For example, if their card says even number, they need to find an even number within their moving capacity. They choose the number that takes them further.
Another example (see picture below)
You are on 55 and you roll a 6, your moving capacity is 6 and you can go up to up to 61. You draw a card. If the card says, let’s say, multiple of 6 then you can only land on 60. The cards have multiple options. If there is no matching number to the card indication in your moving capacity you must stay at your previous place.

The cards. (pdf provided, you can print and cut the cards or make them yourself with paper, you can also use a dice for this part however, you will have fewer options.)

Take my place
If you land on a tile with another player’s marker on, that player rolls again and moves back according to their roll and their drawn card. Of course, they try to go back as few steps as possible.
The first player that lands on 100 is the winner. Passing a hundred is not enough. The card has to match as well.
Here are the game board and the cards to print. You can use the game board as a photo and play on a tablet or any other device.
This board has the prime and square numbers marked
This one is without any markings
If you would like a bigger game board you can print the files below and connect the two parts with a piece of transparent tape.
Hope you like the game

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