Grades 1-3
Scales are a great hands-on tool for comparing numbers and learning about equivalence and it is a lot of fun for students to use. These printable and digital activity cards aim to help practice equivalence and addition/subtraction using the concept of the scale. The students can use a physical scale to solve the problems or any other manipulatives like blocks or balls.
- The first few cards require students to draw or place groups of objects on one or on both sides of the scale to balance it.
- The rest of the cards require students to write or place numbers to balance the scale. Some cards just require addition while some require addition and subtraction.
- The cards start with numbers up to 10 and move on with numbers up to 30. Some become a bit more challenging as students need to place multiple numbers on each side to balance the scale or select the correct combination for each side.
- Some cards are open-ended in the sense that students can make their own combinations.
Here are some samples.

The resource includes 60 printable activity cards and 68 digital slides. Get the premium version here.
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