At mathcurious we love math puzzles and brain teasers. Anything that tickles the brain and improves mathematical thinking. Puzzles provoke creativity and show the students how different math concepts and combinations of them can be used to solve problems in unexpected ways.

Are your students smarter than a chicken? Have them prove it. Have you met our rebellious clever mathemachickens from the famous chicken escape card game? Well, the chickens are now free and on their way to a new and exciting life. They are taking over the farm one puzzle at a time. Check out these fun collections of math puzzles for all grades.
The puzzles use problem-solving strategies such as logical reasoning, guess, check and revise, make a table, draw a diagram, find a pattern. They visit the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, multiples and factors, division, fractions, and more.
The story: The rebel chickens have taken over the farm and they are fighting for their freedom. In order to escape they need to solve the challenging problems that come their way. Their secret weapon? Tomatoes!

The grades 3,4,5,6 collection includes 62 puzzles and comes in a print and google slides version. The measuring puzzles have two versions, metric and imperial.
The print task cards included are in 3 versions 1. colored with colored background 2. colored with white background 3. black and white
Sample below.

The grades 1,2,3 collection includes 36 puzzles and also comes in print and google slides versions. The print task cards included are in 3 versions 1. colored with colored background 2. colored with a white background 3. black and white. Sample below.

Both collections include answers and explanations.
The puzzles can be used as warm-ups, challenging work for early finishers, math talks, centers, homework, and more.
Here is a free version for you
Find the resources below
Grades 1,2,3 google slides version
Grades 1,2,3 print task cards version
Grades 3,4,5 google slides version
Grades 3,4,5 print task cards version
Bundle of print and google slides grades 3,4,5
Bundle of print and google slides grades 1,2,3
Find more puzzles and math talks below

Math talks, Number talks, meaningful math discussions